Sunday, September 25, 2011

This movie, "Being There", is very funny.

This movie, "Being There", is very funny.

 I saw this movie really really interestingly. I wasn't able to stop laughing.
Chance is very funny man. Chance’s behaviors are matching my tendency that the points I feel fun.
 Chance is similar to one of my friends. My friend says something very funny compared to other people. When he says something, he doesn’t smile or laugh and he looks very serious even though he says funny things. It is a kind of his feature and I like that.

 Some people look they have obsessions that they always have to find the message from a movie.
 However, I don't dare to find it, and I just enjoy watching the movie as a movie. Of course, the directors can put some messages into the movies, but I think the most important goals of movie directors are that making audiences get interested in their movies. Considering this point, this movie really succeeds. Chance’s innocent behaviors and speeches make me have a fun. I’m glad to see this movie.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Compared to General Hsueh Sung and General Tien Cheng-tze

 General H.S is a sensitive and kind man. He noticed a drummer's feeling by listening to drum's sound, and then he allowed the drummer to go his wife's funeral. Considering personality, he is a nice man.
However, he isn't decisive as a governor. He doesn't like war, and he doesn't prepare anything for the war. So, he can be only embarrassed when he hears General T.C is about to attack his counrty even though finally, H.S successes to protect the peace between him and T.C.

On the other hand, General T.C is very calculative as a governor.
He isn't afraid of fighting a war, and he trains his soldiers systematically.
As soon as he notices Red Thread could kill him, he changes his plan quickly that attacking H.S's country and accepts peace.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Something I'm interested in

  I like watching baseball. I'm interested in especially Korean pro baseball league and I'm also interested in several Korean players who play in Japanese pro league and American pro league.
  When I was in Korea, I somtimes used to go baseball stadium to watch the game. 
The reason I'm interested in baseball is probably that the baseball games make lots of stats compared to other sports. It is interesting comparing stats of each players.
  However, I'm not interested in playing baseball because it is too difficult. On the other hand, I prefer playing basketball and soccer to playing baseball. I just like watching baseball.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What Writing Means to Me

Do you enjoy writing?

 Honestly, I don't enjoy writing, but I like writing letters to my friend when their birthdays or big holidays.
In addition, I'm trying to write journal everyday even though I sometimes feel tired.

Do you keep a diary in your language?

 Yes, I do. I'm trying to write journal everyday, but I'm failing.. However, I try to write journal as possible as I can.

Do you avoid writing whenever you can?

 Yes, I sometimes avoid. If I have enough time, I don't hurry. It means I avoid as possible as I can.

What positive role could writing as a process play in your life?

 The best point of writing is that when I'm not sure about my opinions, thinkings and feelings, I can arrange them while I'm writing.