Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sorry to late update! :(

 I tried to interview 5 people, but 3 people rejected my ask, so I just interviewed 2 people. I think people were so busy.. Actually, ,my interview wasn't successful. Probably, because my interview wasn'y successful, funnily, I was thinking how I'll do if I interview people next time while I interviewed people.

 I was nervous, so I tried to interview the people who are alone. Because if there are many people, the situation makes me more nervous. I think it was my problem. The interviewee is also nervous when they are interviewed if the person is alone. So, I should have interviewed the people who were together. I think couples are good. Maybe the boyfriends are willing to answer about the interview because they are in front of their girlfriends. (Boyfriends have to show their good personalities!!)
 I'll do better next time even though I don't want to interview people anymore.. hahaha

Anyway, people has different chararcters about writing, but I could guess their characters a little before I interviewed them.
I interviewed 1 girl, and 1 man. At first, I met the girl in the SUB food court. She was using her cellphone constantly. She likes using Facebook.
On the other hand, the man doesn't use Facebook at all. Interestingly, I met him at Rose Garden. (I went to very far place..) He likes Rose Garden because it makes him relaxed. Yes, Rose Garend is quite calm place. Probably, Facebook doesn't make him relaxed.. I guess..

Frankly speaking, this activity wasn't interesting! I was scared when I tried to interview people.
I hope Nathan doesn't give interview activity anymore! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Black Swan

 I saw the movie "Black Swan" last weekend. After the movie premiered, my two close friends strongly have recommended that I see the movie, but I finally watched it last weekend.
For me, "Black Swan" was a little creepy. The main actress injures herself many times. I stopped many times for I saw the movie.. I'm not good at watching nasty, creepy and horible movies..
When I was watching the movie, I texted a friend who recommended "Black Swan", and blamed him because he has already known that I'm not good at watching this kind of movie! He looked joyful. hahaha.
Anyway, except some scenes that the actress injures herself, whole story and ballet acting were so nice!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Response: "The Epic of Gilgamesh."

At first, this story is very difficult for me to understand. The reason is probably that this story is written by English, However, my cousin tried to read this story but she gave up quickly because she thought this story is very difficult even though she can use English very well!

When I was young, I was intersted in history (Korea history and World history both), so I approximatively know the beginning of this story, but it wasn't easy to understand.
This stroy seems as if the two stories, Noah's ark and Gilgamesh story, connect together.
I didn't know these stories are relevant..

Anyway, in my opinion, this story shows it is impossible for human to surpass the limitation of human abilities.
Gilgamesh fails to get eternal life, and most people except Atra-hasis died when the big Deluge happened.
Human is so weak in front of nature. Human just can live in our abilities.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Killers - What do you think George, Nick, Ole Anderson, Max, and Al will do after the story ends?

The Killers
- Ernest Hemingway

This writing is just my opinion.


  • In the beginning of this story, George looks like he isn’t good at understanding the atmosphere, so he asks Max what Max will do. However, at the last part of story, he says to Nick “You better not think about it.”  At first, George actually tries to help Ole Anderson can escape the bad situation, but George changes his mind that deciding to forget about Max & Al’s plan because Ole Anderson looks like he doesn’t want to escape the situation.

  • Nick says to George that he will get out of the town because he doesn’t want to see Ole Anderson will be killed by Max & Al. However, he just says like that nevertheless he doesn’t want get out of the town. Probably, he wants to express his mind strongly at that time. He will try to help Ole Anderson constantly before Ole Anderson will be killed even though O. Anderson doesn't want it.

  • Ole Anderson will be killed by Max & Al, but not soon. Ole Anderson seems as if he has already been waiting for his death. He undestands all this situation.

  • Al thinks they (he and Max) tell their plan too much, so he will behave more carefully. At first, he will understand how the situation is going (because they tell their plan too much) and then, he will start to act. Anyway, he will kill Ole Anderson. The situation will be going to well for Al because O. Anderson has already been waiting for Al & Max.

  • Max isn’t cautious person. He is a kind of impulsive person. He will instigate Al to kill Ole Anderson as soon as possible, but he will follow Al’s opinion. Al’s power looks a little stronger than Max’s.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hills Like White Elephants - Discuss how the male protagnist changed

When she says “They look like white elephants”, his response is just that “I’ve never seen one”. It seems as if he doesn’t concern about her comment, and he doesn’t look like he is interested in talking with her. He feels a little annoyed to her because he doesn’t want to talk about that. However, he changes his attitude a little after they talk about their pro-born baby,.
             Then, he recommends that she take an operation to get rid of the baby. His attitude is very direct at that time. As soon as the topic comes up, he tells his opinion quickly. In addition, he insists his opinion quite strongly. He says “It’s the only thing that’s made us unhappy.
             I think he just pretends to not interested in talking with the girl because he knows they would talk about this topic (abortion or not) some time, and the girl has a different opinion with him.
             He changes his opinion from getting the abortion to not getting the abortion if she really doesn’t want even though he actually wants she has the abortion. Moreover, he actually stops talking when she asks him. He shows a little weak figure. He is concerned about her feeling compared to his former figure.
             In my opinion, he changes be warm to her.