Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Sorry to late update! :(

 I tried to interview 5 people, but 3 people rejected my ask, so I just interviewed 2 people. I think people were so busy.. Actually, ,my interview wasn't successful. Probably, because my interview wasn'y successful, funnily, I was thinking how I'll do if I interview people next time while I interviewed people.

 I was nervous, so I tried to interview the people who are alone. Because if there are many people, the situation makes me more nervous. I think it was my problem. The interviewee is also nervous when they are interviewed if the person is alone. So, I should have interviewed the people who were together. I think couples are good. Maybe the boyfriends are willing to answer about the interview because they are in front of their girlfriends. (Boyfriends have to show their good personalities!!)
 I'll do better next time even though I don't want to interview people anymore.. hahaha

Anyway, people has different chararcters about writing, but I could guess their characters a little before I interviewed them.
I interviewed 1 girl, and 1 man. At first, I met the girl in the SUB food court. She was using her cellphone constantly. She likes using Facebook.
On the other hand, the man doesn't use Facebook at all. Interestingly, I met him at Rose Garden. (I went to very far place..) He likes Rose Garden because it makes him relaxed. Yes, Rose Garend is quite calm place. Probably, Facebook doesn't make him relaxed.. I guess..

Frankly speaking, this activity wasn't interesting! I was scared when I tried to interview people.
I hope Nathan doesn't give interview activity anymore! :)

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